Monday, January 24, 2005

short intro

Thought I might go ahead and jump on the blogging bandwagon. Today seems as good a day as any. I can already guarantee that I won't be updating this daily, but it will probably be 4 times a week or so. Maybe a little more often in the summer when Tim is working later. My home business is still yet to be up and running but hopefully that will change within a month or so. I wanted to go ahead and start my blog before my business because when I get my business website going there will be a link to my blog on it. I would feel bad if there was just one or two entries there. LOL. My ultimate goal with starting my own business is to eventually be a stay at home mom. Not because I don't like working, because I do, but when and if Tim and I are blessed with children then I want to be the one that is there with them for most of the day, and Tim wants this for me too.

My current liesure time site that I spend a lot of time on is the Nest, specifically the message boards, and even more specifically the Babies on the Brain board. It is a fast moving board, usually getting about 600 new posts each day, and that doesn't even count the answers to the posts. I usually lurk quietly there, just reading the posts, since a baby is not in the near future for me, but occasionally I have an input and will post it there. Another liesure site I go to is, it is kindof like an online pictionary with chat incorporated. Tons of fun and very addicting.

Toilet training is going fairly smoothly for my two 7-month old cats. If all goes well I hope to have them completely trained by the end of February. Then I can through out the litter box and vaccuum up the spare crumbs once and for all.

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